Saturday, October 25, 2008


I was really excited this week to go see The Last House on the Left, that's why I waited till Saturday night to see it, hoping that the crowd would be large and enjoyable. Sadly there was only about thirty people there but it was still a good time. I'm only guessing here but maybe most people aren't excited to see a rape revenge movie Saturday night at midnight, but I'm not exactly most people.

First the trailers, sadly I was hoping for some trailers from that era but got the same ones as last week.

Now a plot synopsis
, two girls are on a trip to a shady part of the big city to see a concert when they decide to try and buy some pot. That is when they meet two escaped convicts and their crew. They are then tortured and raped, then thrown in the trunk of a car. The car just happens to break down in front of the main Mari's house. The two girls are then taken into the woods across the street and then are raped again then killed. The killers then take solace in Mari's house, shortly after that her parents figure out that they killed her and take revenge. Mayhem ensues.

This is a good movie if you are into exploitation films, it's one of the more known films of that era.
Going back and watching it again there are a lot of really cheesy things with this movie and it's not all because of the dialog. The dialog is really bad, the actors do really good with the script but its badly written. It seems like Wes Craven didn't quite know how people actually talk to each other. To the music which is also really bad, is actually done buy the main bad guy and scene stealer, David Hess. Another drawback is that Craven liked to jump from a really intense scene, like someone being raped to some idiot cops accompanied by cheesy music. There are just so many small things that bugged me about this movie, such as ...

They want you to believe that this actually happened?

Your dad is totally checking out your nipples

This is just wierd
Yes they are doing it

The dumbest cops ever

They just happen to know exactly where to find there dead daughter

She made a break right for the pool

Also what is Wes Cravens infatuation with booby traps?
Why Would you go down on someone that you wanna kill?
How nice can a family be that is missing their daughter?
What are the odds of the criminals car breaking down exactly in front of Mari's house?

Now this is just great!

Listen to daddy. I want you to take the gun, and I want you to put it in your mouth, and I want you to turn around and blow your brains out. Blow your brains out, BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!
and he actually dose it!

That should do it for this week.
Next week: Poltergeist

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pleasantly Surprised

I have never seen either of Tim Burton's animated pictures and I have heard that The Nightmare Before Christmas is extremely good, I know that it has a huge cult following.This week I am starting with Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. First off not sure if no one likes this particular movie or if just going on a Friday night isn't the best for a crowd because there was barely two dozen people at the theater.

The showing started off with a blurry trailer for this great film.

If you squint your eyes you might get the same effect as I did.

Then the picture was fixed for this trailer.

Now with the feature presentation. A brief synopsis, Victor is set up in an arranged marriage with Victoria. Everyone else are assholes and make Victor go out practice his vows, as he is doing that he accidentally says his vows to the Corpse Bride. She then returns as a zombie and insists that they are married. Mayhem ensues.

Okay seriously I really enjoyed this movie. I was worried when the second line of the movie broke out into song, but there wasn't that many songs overall. There was a title card early in the movie and was hoping that there would be more but no luck. once the movie actually got going I could almost predict exactly what was going to happen. I knew that the Barkis Bittern character was only showing up for one reason, to try to steal the family's money. This movie was way to predictable for a first viewing but I did enjoy it, I probably will watch it again but on DVD is fine. One last thing I loved the Remains Of The Day song that was preformed when they entered the underworld. It was great and kinda psychedelic the way that all the skeletons and everyone was dancing around.

I can't wait for next week, It is one of my favorite movies.
Next week: Last House On The Left

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Unintentionally Hilarious

For anyone who hasn't seen it, This is A Nightmare on Elm Street. A brief synopsis, The bastard son of 100 maniacs just happens to be a sadistic child killer. He is burned alive by the vengeful parents after being let off by a technicality. He now haunts and kills the children of the parents that burned and killed him.

First of all I have seen this movie at least a dozen times and enjoy it thoroughly. Have said that, I have now realized that this movie is unintentionally hilarious. Sitting back and watching this movie with a theater roughly 75% full of people who have obviously seen this movie quite a few times, no one held back any comments. I had discovered that the dialog is actually pretty bad at times and that the first half an hour in the movie has a ton of fade cuts. I was waiting for a commercial to pop up before the next scene.

Now back to the crowd. Minutes before the movie started, there was a group of, lets say, "fans" that sat down behind me. One was wearing a Fedora and a couple were wearing the Freddy glove. Now some comments from the peanut gallery ...



"that is why you don't have sex"

"morning wood"

"Basement Basement?"

Now a couple of awesome things I wanted to point out ...

"God, I look twenty years old"
It's because you are, Heather born July 1964, Nightmare released November 1984.

pay phone in the basement?

Dogs playing pool

how is she able to Home Alone proof a house in less than ten minutes

no reason for this, it's just an awesome scene

I believe that is all I have for this week.
Next week: The Corpse Bride

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Trying this out

Well I figured I would try out the world of blogging, I know that I am a couple of years to late but fuck it. What I plan on doing if anyone ever reads this is to watch and "review" my experiences at a local movie theater that shows a weekly midnight movie. I have tried to be a regular patron there and love going to that theater. So by stepping in to the world of blogging and reporting my experiences I will have a reason to go there more.

This weekend: A Nightmare on Elm Street

I hope to post either after the movie or the next day.