I don't really have a whole lot to (or know what to) say about Amélie other that this was only the second time i have seen this and I loved it even more this time around. The first time I had seen this it was about seven years ago and I could only remember that it was really funny and enjoyable. It is definitely better that I remembered, especially watching it with a crowd. This movie (at least to me) was very French, not just because of the language. The music was really good and wasn't the typical kind of score, also there was an interesting use of computer animation. The CG added to the feel of the movie which was shot extremely well. Not really sure what else to say so lets get to some interesting screen shots...
Getting revenge when she is younger.
She is even awkward while having sex.
The start of everything.
It's a gnome-napping.
This is what makes her first interested in Nino.
Discovering his photobook.
Zorro strikes, seeking revenge on the people who deserve it.
Sex in the restroom.
Seeing the gnome traveling inspires Amélie's father to do the same.
Plans to meet in person for the first time,
but is to afraid to actually say anything to him.
After Nino shows up at her apartment she finally expresses her feelings.
Next week: Stop Making Sense
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