The movie starts out with Fred Savage's grandfather (played by Peter Falk) reading a story to him because he was sick.
Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles...
The story starts with Wesley (Cary Elwes) and Buttercup (Robin Wright) falling in love with each other only to have Wesley leave to seek fortune, only after promising to come back for her. Buttercup hears that he never made is and was captured and killed by Dread Pirate Roberts. Five years later she is set to wed Prince Humperdinck, about a week before the wedding Buttercup is kidnapped by these three guys and is told she will be killed to start a war. As they make it to the cliffs of insanity they are followed by this man in black.
After the man in black catches up with them he has a sword fight with the Spaniard (after a short break). A short time later he gets some rocks thrown at his head, so he makes a deal with Andre the Giant to fight hand to hand. Defeating Andre the Giant with a sleeper hold he is then challenged to a battle of wits, in which he wins easily by being immune to the poison that they both drink.
While all of this is going on they are followed by Prince Humperdinck and his crew. It takes buttercup pushing the man in black down a huge hill to figure out who he actually is (her beloved Wesley).
As they are running from the Prince they go through some creepy ass woods and Wesley fights a ginormous rat.
After making it out of the woods Wesley is captured (sent to a torture chamber) and buttercup says that she will go back to the Prince. The prince convinces buttercup to marry him if Wesley doesn't come back for her (she thinks he returned to being Dread Pirate Roberts and would come back for her). As Wesley is being tortured Andre the Giant and the Spaniard hear him and go to rescue him.
When he is found he is almost dead and is taken to an old miracle man (played by Billy Crystal). After being revived from being "mostly dead" he can barely move and is dragged around by Andre the Giant. After invading the castle the Spaniard seeks his revenge on the six fingered man (he's the guy that killed the Spaniards father) and Wesley goes after Buttercup.
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
So pretty much thats the end of the movie, Spaniard got his revenge and Wesley rescued Buttercup (after out witting the Prince). All is good and the story ends with a kiss.
Since the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.
The End.
Grandpa, maybe you could come over and read it again to me tomorrow.
As you wish.
Next Week: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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