Alright so this movie starts out a little weird, with the "closing" credits, and they throw in a hand full of jokes with it. Then the movie actually opens with King Arthur traveling around (with his "servant" banging coconuts together to sound like a horse) to various castles to recruit knights for the Court of Camelot. Along his travel he comes across a Black Knight that he must defeat to pass the bridge.
None shall pass.
It's just a flesh wound.
After "agreeing on a draw" King Arthur recruits four knights to be part of the Knights of the Round Table. They all get a message from God to acquire the Holy Grail. At the beginning of their quest they come across a castle and it houses some French people who are very rude and wont let them in to get the grail. After their bad plans for sneaking in fail they get livestock thrown at them they retreat.
Run away!
They then split up to cover more ground and there are a bunch a short funny things that happen to each of the Knights of the Round. Sir Robin runs away from a three headed knight that wants to kill him. Sir Galahad comes across castle Anthrax, which is inhabited by nothing but women. He is ordered by the mistress to punish them and then he will receive oral sex, unfortunately he is then "rescued" by Sir Lancelot. King Arthur and Sir Bedevere come across the Knights who say Ni! and and must get a shrubbery to pass. Sir Lancelot gets a note, that he thinks is from a princess that is being held hostage, and goes to rescue "her". While storming the castle and killing a ton of people he finds out that the person that sent the note is a guy so he attempts to make a dramatic exit. Back to Arthur and Sir Bedevere, they return with the shrub and the knights changed their name and want another shrub. Arthur says the word that the knights can't stand and they escape. They then meet up with Lancelot and the rest of the knights of the round and rejoice!
Around this time a knight rides by some guy that appears to be filming something and is killed and throughout the movie are cops looking for the said knight.
They meet the enchanter who is just blowing shit up, and he tells them where to go but they must pass a devastating monster with huge teeth, a rabbit.
After the rabbit kills most of their troops they kill it with the holy grenade and enter the cave. The knights get chased by the Black Beast of Arrrghhh until the animator suffers a heart attack and dies. Shortly after they encounter an old man that is guarding a bridge and they must answer three questions to pass.
Sir Lancelot passes first and then gets busted buy the cops. After one of the others get thrown off of the cliff for not knowing an answer Arthur stumps the old man by knowing too much about "birds" and the old guy is thrown off the cliff.
Arthur and another knight make it to Castle Arrrghhh, which supposedly holds the holy grail, it is ran by the french and they refuse to let them in again. Arthur all fed up gets an army (out of nowhere) and they charge the castle. Before they get there the cops pull up bust Arthur and end the movie.
Next Week: Grindhouse
Friday: Planet Terror
Saturday: Death Proof
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