Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pleasantly Surprised

I have never seen either of Tim Burton's animated pictures and I have heard that The Nightmare Before Christmas is extremely good, I know that it has a huge cult following.This week I am starting with Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. First off not sure if no one likes this particular movie or if just going on a Friday night isn't the best for a crowd because there was barely two dozen people at the theater.

The showing started off with a blurry trailer for this great film.

If you squint your eyes you might get the same effect as I did.

Then the picture was fixed for this trailer.

Now with the feature presentation. A brief synopsis, Victor is set up in an arranged marriage with Victoria. Everyone else are assholes and make Victor go out practice his vows, as he is doing that he accidentally says his vows to the Corpse Bride. She then returns as a zombie and insists that they are married. Mayhem ensues.

Okay seriously I really enjoyed this movie. I was worried when the second line of the movie broke out into song, but there wasn't that many songs overall. There was a title card early in the movie and was hoping that there would be more but no luck. once the movie actually got going I could almost predict exactly what was going to happen. I knew that the Barkis Bittern character was only showing up for one reason, to try to steal the family's money. This movie was way to predictable for a first viewing but I did enjoy it, I probably will watch it again but on DVD is fine. One last thing I loved the Remains Of The Day song that was preformed when they entered the underworld. It was great and kinda psychedelic the way that all the skeletons and everyone was dancing around.

I can't wait for next week, It is one of my favorite movies.
Next week: Last House On The Left

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